
The Town Council meets on a monthly basis and is serviced by the following committees and sub-committees:

   Planning and Public Consultation Committee (Committee 1)

     Members: Cllr. B. Doughty, Cllr. T. Lyddon, Cllr. J. Butcher, Cllr. H. Whyley, Cllr. J. Ryan and one vacancy.

   Finance and Projects Committee (Committee 2)

     Members: Cllr. R.J. Hancock OBE, Cllr. L. Lewis, Cllr. M. Evans, Cllr. M. Walters and Cllr. C. Cannon.

Working Parties/Groups

The following are examples of Working Parties/Groups made up from Councillors of Main Committees. Other Councillors are available to participate in these

Employment including Disciplinary, Grievance & Appeals Panels

Business Admin & Policy



Mayoral Events